Will hold an electronic Public Hearing due to the state of emergency that exists as a result of the spread of COVID-19 pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance 2020-093 on May 6, 2020, to consider the following under
Chapter 30 of the Zoning Code:
BZA 16-2020: An application of Andlar Properties for a building permit to split an existing lot improved with a single-family detached dwelling and to construct a new single-family detached dwelling on the proposed vacant lot at 3113 2nd AVENUE.
BZA 17-2020: An application of Hampton Nash LLC for a building permit to construct a new single-family detached dwelling (#3134) at 3134 & 3136 PARKWOOD AVENUE.
BZA 18-2020: An application of Seven Hills Construction LLC for a building permit to split an existing lot and construct a single-family detached dwelling on each newly created lot at 1500 N 19th STREET.
The case plans and agenda will be made available on the City’s legislative website not later than April 29, 2020:
The public may listen to the Microsoft Teams electronic meeting and offer comment by calling 804-316-9457 and when prompted entering code 586 040 391#. For video access by computer, smart phone or tablet visit
https://richmondva.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. Select the Board of Zoning Appeals drop-down and 2020 drop-down, click meeting details for May 6, 2020 meeting and then click video access. In the event you have difficulty accessing a public hearing you may contact Mr. William Davidson at 804-396-5350 or by email at William.Davidson@richmondgov.com for assistance. In accordance with Ordinance No. 2020-093, please be advised that an inability to access one of the enumerated public hearing through video means shall not be considered a prerequisite for participating in the subject public hearing. In order to ensure your participation it will be necessary for you to call in at 1 PM and stay on the line until such time as your case is called. Please be advised that the Board of Zoning Appeals Rules of Procedure provides that in the case of an application for a variance or a special exception, the applicant, proponents or persons aggrieved under §15.2-2314 of the Code of Virginia, in that order shall be permitted a total of six (6) minutes each to present their case. For this reason the Board respectfully requests that you be as brief as possible in your comments when your case is called by the Chairman to allow other individuals the opportunity to participate. For the purposes of the record it is also requested that before addressing the Board you identify yourself and spell your name.
The public may offer comments in advance of the scheduled electronic meeting by directing them to the email address listed below and the subject comments will be made available to the Board Members prior to the electronic meeting.
Roy W. Benbow, Secretary
Phone: (804) 240-2124
Fax: (804) 646-5789
E-mail: Roy.Benbow@richmondgov.com